
Diary: Andrew McGarry in Hyderabad

We've been in Hyderabad for a day or so building up to the Third Under-19 Test against India, which we must go out and win if we're to square the series

We've been in Hyderabad for a day or so building up to the Third Under-19 Test against India, which we must go out and win if we're to square the series.
Hyderabad seems like a nice city, cleaner than Chennai. I didn't really know what to expect before I came to India. We've been fortunate to stay in very good hotels, in good areas and the only things that irritate me are all the mosquitoes.
I haven't quite got to grips with the food. Before I came away I said I was going to eat lots of curries but had one and changed my mind quite rapidly. It's been rice and naan bread for the last four weeks! I think I'm a bit over-cautious about getting ill.
The finish of the last Test in Chennai was a bit disappointing. We had two good days to start with and then after that things didn't really go for us. Our batters did well in getting 399 and bowling them out for 231 in the first innings was a really good effort. But things didn't go as well as we'd hoped in the second innings after we'd made them follow on and, to be fair, their opening batters played really well. That is how cricket goes sometimes.
I've never in my life seen 390 put on for the first wicket in a game as happened in the second innings. When it gets to about 250 it starts getting a bit demoralising when you bowl good balls and they still disappear to the boundary. But you just have to keep going because it only takes ten balls to bowl a side out. I was very tired at the end of that innings. It's certainly the hottest time I've ever had in the field but not the longest. I fielded for 190 overs in one innings in a second XI game for Essex against Kent. We got bowled out twice for under 150!
It was good to play on a wicket in Chennai that had a bit of bounce in it early on. The first Test pitch in Mumbai didn't really have much in it in terms of pace but the Chennai wicket gave you a bit of encouragement to run in.
I'm the sort of bowler who looks to take early wickets for the side. I'm not really going to bowl long spells - although I'm very aware that I need to improve my fitness - I have to look to get batsmen out every time I bowl. That's my job. Some of the other seamers try to tie batsmen down to get their wickets but it's not a tragedy if I go for a few runs if I get a couple of early wickets. I like to think I've got a good bouncer and it seems as though some of the Indian lads aren't too keen on short bowling. So I like to give them a few to see how they handle it.