Media release

Kingsmead prepares for the World Cup

Preparations for the 2003 World Cup are underway at Kingsmead

Leanne Pollock
Preparations for the 2003 World Cup are underway at Kingsmead. New drainage and Irrigation systems are currently being implemented in order to prepare for the World Cup.
Pop-up sprinklers are being installed on the entire ground which are on an automatic system and can be programmed. All irrigation pipes are underground and there is a total of 42 sprinklers.
Using the Shelton drainage system, drainage is being installed from the boundary to the edge of the pitch. The pipes used are 600mm below the surface and will drain off from the North East Corner of the ground. In addition to pipes there are also gravel bands which run from North to South across the ground, these are situated 400mm apart across the entire length of the ground.
The same drainage system is being installed at Chatsworth in February.